Orders from one item.

No minimum purchase.

Domestic packages with Saia LTL Freight, FedEx, UPS, and DHL.

International packages with FedEx and DHL.

For national and international shipping and quotes, please contact us.

Changes in costs may occur without prior notice.


Shipping and Returns


Shipments will be made through a courier service chosen by Saia LTL Freight and delivery times will depend on the availability of the products in the shipment, usually 4 to 6 business days.


Method and delivery times


Once your purchase is confirmed, the delivery time will never exceed 25 business days, with our commitment to delivery being less than 25 business days for shipments within the national territory from Monday to Friday.


If 7 business days have passed since the Order Confirmation and the customer has not agreed on a delivery date with the transport company, the customer must contact Saia LTL Freight.


International shipments


All international shipments will be accompanied by an import/export declaration to the customs authorities. This document reflects the total amount of the order.